How to use Event List Views

The Events page provides various sorting and view options to help you manage and navigate through your events effectively. You can explore the different view options and what they mean for your event management.

All Events: It displays all events, including active, inactive, and closed events. It provides a complete overview of your event inventory.  

Active: This is a default view and displays events with a live date. These events are currently on sale and accessible to your attendees. 

Inactive: This view option allows you to see drafted and paused events. These events are not on sale or available for attendees.

Closed: By choosing the "Closed" view option you can see events that have ended or been cancelled. These events are no longer on sale and have reached their end date or have been cancelled by the event organiser (you). This view helps you review past events and keep track of cancellations.

You can also sort your events by Name or Date. This sorting functionality allows you to organise your events quickly and efficiently.

Lastly, remember that you can always use our search box to quickly find your event by simply typing in the name.