When you scan a ticket, the App will notify you whether it is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, the notification will provide additional information about the problematic scan.
- Valid. The barcode is valid for the event(s) downloaded onto the device, and the ticket has been successfully validated.

- Invalid (Ticket Already Scanned In). The barcode is valid for the event(s) downloaded on the device, but it has already been scanned.

- Invalid (Invalid Ticket Type). The barcode is not valid for one of the accepted ticket types for the event.

Invalid (Ticket Not Found). The barcode is invalid for the event(s) downloaded on the device.

- Invalid (Ticket Void). The barcode is no longer valid for the event(s) downloaded on the device.

If you want to see how many scans you have validated with your device, you can quickly check that in the Statistics section of the app.