How do I create an event waiver?

Creating an event waiver is quick and easy!

  1. On the Events tab, select Manage for the event you are creating the waiver for. 
  2. Click Registration Questions > Add Question.
  3. Click the dropdown under Create Question, then choose Waiver Agreement
  1. Fill in the required fields: 
  • Waiver Agreement name ie. Terms & Conditions
  • Add the waiver text box is where you type your event waiver.
  • Checkbox phrase ie. “I have read and agree”
  1. Go to Settings and enable the toggle button to make a waiver agreement required at checkout.
  2. Choose whether you want to request a waiver agreement per order or ticket. If it’s per ticket, specify which ticket types it applies to.

The waiver agreement will appear on the checkout page - attendees can review and accept it by checking a box.