Why is there a charge from TicketLeap on my credit card?

TicketLeap is an online ticketing platform. Event organizers and venues use us to sell tickets to their events online. If you purchased a ticket to an event recently, "TL*[event name]" or "[event name] (via TL)" probably appeared on your credit card statement.

Do I get a receipt or confirmation email?

Yes, when ticket purchases are completed, TicketLeap sends a confirmation email with the event information, details of the charges, and downloadable barcode tickets. To find this email in your inbox search for “Your Receipt” or “TicketLeap Receipt”. The amount of your purchase should match the amount on your credit card statement. 

Can I get a refund?

To receive a refund, you must contact the event organizer for approval. Each event organizer has its own refund and exchange policies.

Can't find your confirmation email?

It's possible the event used TicketLeap for onsite purchases, you may not have received an email from TicketLeap detailing your purchase. If you cannot find your order, please check our help article on retrieving your tickets.